Thursday, May 17, 2007

Inscription over where George W. rests at Mount Vernon...

Right near where President "George W." dedicated a wreath to the first President George W. on the George Washington Birthday Holiday on Monday, 19 February a.d. 2007, is the inscription carved in stone from the Gospel of Saint John, the words of Jesus Christ,

I am the resurrection
and the life, saith the Lord
he that believeth in me, though
he were dead, yet shall he live;
and whosever liveth and
believeth in me, shall never die.

[Click on the image below to enlarge for easier reading.]

You might find some interesting bits of information in this email to Mrs. Bush, our Nation's First Lady, hoping that she could get the information about the inscription above the place where George Washington rests inside the gates of the "new" Burial vault at Mount Vernon (whose construction was possibly supervised by Lt. Robert E. Lee, the great grandson-in-law of Martha Washington), so that Mrs. Bush would share the "inside information" with her husband, our President "George W." so to share with all Americans.

On this Monday holiday for George Washington Birthday Holiday (NOT "Presidents' Day" -- do we REALLY want to remember or honor Grant's corrupt administration? Or Harding's Teapot Dome scandals? Or Nixon's Watergate? Or Clinton's WhiteWater-gate? Or Monica-gate? Or Clinton's Selling Secrets to the Chinese for campaign cash? Or Clinton's feeble responses to the growth of Islamic Terrorism?) let us remember the words of a Monday morning prayer by the Christian 'father of His country', George Washington, when he was a young man of 20 years of age:

"Direct my thoughts, words, and work...
...that I may with more freedom of mind and liberty of will
serve Thee the everlasting God
in righteousness and holiness this day and all the days of my life.
Increase my faith in the sweet promises of the Gospel...
Daily frame me more and more...
into the likeness of thy son Jesus Christ..."

Here we see a portion of page 9 of PRAYER WARRIOR WASHINGTON Prayer Book - Work Book - Picture Book, that you can further review on, at the link below.

Link to PRAYER WARRIOR Washington review pages.

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